How AI is Changing Insurance: 8 Powerful AI Applications for Insurers

This blog explores how AI is revolutionizing the insurance industry for small and medium-sized insurers. It covers the benefits of AI in underwriting, claims processing, fraud detection, and customer engagement, providing practical insights for staying competitive in a digital landscape. Dive in to discover the opportunities and challenges of integrating AI into insurance operations.

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15 October 2024
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Let’s face it: the insurance industry isn’t exactly thrilling. But as we enter the digital age, something intriguing is happening beneath the surface.

As small and medium-sized insurers navigate this wave of change, AI provides a lifeline for improving operations, cutting costs, and enhancing customer experiences.

So, buckle up as we explore how AI is reshaping the insurance landscape and discover practical steps to ride this wave.

The AI Shift in Insurance: A Big-Picture View

AI and automation are flipping the script on how insurers operate.

Picture this: AI is like a secret sauce that could whip up a mouthwatering $1.3 trillion feast for the global insurance sector by 2030, according to McKinsey.

With the advent of generative AI, which emerged in late 2022, McKinsey posits a potential economic impact of $4.4 trillion across the global economy. Who knew algorithms could pack such a punch?

And with generative AI making a splash, that figure might be even more appetizing. For small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) in insurance, embracing AI has become crucial in a competitive market.

Imagine transforming those old-school processes—underwriting, claims management, and customer interactions—into smooth operations.

By integrating AI, insurers can revitalize their workflows and deliver a fresh approach that balances efficiency with a personal touch. It's like giving your business a much-needed makeover.

Key Areas Where AI is Redefining the Insurance Sector

Underwriting: Faster, Smarter Decision-Making

Underwriting used to be as slow as molasses in January, but not anymore.

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) can harness AI tools to turbocharge their processes. Many insurers have reported staggering speed-ups—from days down to mere seconds and minutes—with only 5% of applications needing human review. That’s a game changer!

The secret sauce? A lot of underwriting involves parsing unstructured data from delivered documents and extracting structured, actionable insights. AI automations can whip up a comprehensive risk profile in minutes, pulling data from a variety of sources like social media behavior, bank statements, and driving records.

Once that risk profile is in place, AI can smoothly automate the next step by referencing internal policies and guidelines it securely accesses, alongside precedents from similar customers. This allows for highly personalized pricing that feels just right to clients.

And here’s the kicker: these AI-generated prices are generally seen as fair and reasonable, enhancing the overall customer experience. Transparency reigns supreme, as users can see exactly how their estimated price was crafted and how their choices influence the final cost.

Finally, with this comprehensive client profile, the system can confidently approve or deny applications. If it’s still on the fence, no worries—a human expert can swoop in for a manual review.

McKinsey highlights John Hancock’s eApp platform, which provides a fully digital application process with instant decisions on select products for applicants under 60, with face values up to $3 million. Companies adopting this streamlined approach have seen a median sales increase of 14% over two years. Talk about a win-win.

Streamlining Claims Processing: Efficiency Meets Accuracy

Now, let’s talk about claims processing.

Remember the last time you filed a claim? The waiting game can feel like watching paint dry! Thankfully, AI is here to revolutionize that experience.

Consider how computer vision techniques can assess vehicular damage, estimating the severity while generating a comprehensive document covering the damages and any necessary legal work.

If the system detects discrepancies in the claim based on the provided data, it can raise a dispute and trigger follow-up processes. In cases of suspected fraudulent activity, the system can invalidate claims and flag clients, ensuring a robust defense against fraud.

Startups like Tractable and established companies like Lemonade and Visana are riding the AI wave in claims processing. They report significant increases in the volume of documents processed, with no-dispute claims being settled without any human involvement.

The result? Improved customer satisfaction across the board. These advancements show just how AI is enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of the claims process, keeping customers smiling and satisfied.

Predictive Analytics for Proactive Risk Management

Think of AI-powered predictive analytics as your insurance crystal ball.

This technology allows small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) to reduce their exposure by adjusting pricing and policy structures. It adds value for clients by predicting potential threats and offering incentives for preventative measures that mitigate risks and damages.

Naturally, predictive processes involve a lot of data ingestion from various sources, which is perfect for AI models that thrive on big data.

If an SMB has limited data sources, traditional machine learning (ML) solutions might actually be a better fit. This approach is akin to forecasting stock prices in finance. Historically, machine learning techniques have outperformed classical statistical methods, although the latter still have their place in the industry.

By leveraging predictive analytics, insurers can stay ahead of the curve, ensuring both their bottom line and their clients’ safety remain secure.

Enhancing Fraud Detection Capabilities

Fraudulent claims account for over $80 billion in payments in the US, ending up with honest customers paying higher premiums to cover the losses.

Let’s not kid ourselves—fraud is a growing concern in the digital age. Traditional methods can’t keep up with the crafty criminals out there.

Enter AI-powered fraud detection systems, which analyze mountains of data to spot suspicious patterns. These smart systems can detect anomalies faster than you can say “fraud alert!”

By focusing on genuine claims, insurers can maintain customer trust while efficiently identifying potential fraud. With accuracy rates soaring above 90%, AI is proving to be a reliable partner in the fight against fraud.

Automated Policy Management

Imagine a small auto insurance company harnessing AI to handle seasonal shifts in vehicle usage, like activating or deactivating policies for winter vehicles or motorcycles. This not only minimizes the manual workload but also ensures customers enjoy seamless service throughout the year.

Now, let’s talk about adding value for clients.

Take AXA’s “Pill Pay” initiative in health insurance, for instance. Here, high-risk clients with chronic conditions are encouraged to upload videos of themselves taking their medication on schedule. This clever approach not only helps the insurer guard against fraud but also rewards clients who diligently follow their health routines.

In short, automated policy management isn’t just about cutting costs; it’s about creating a better experience for everyone involved.

AI in Customer Insights

Picture an insurer operating in both auto and home insurance markets. By digging into a customer’s search and purchase history, AI can uncover gems of insight.

For instance, if someone is scouring the web for car insurance, it’s a good bet they’re in the market for a new vehicle. The insurer can then proactively suggest insurance packages tailored to that upcoming purchase.

But it doesn't stop there!

AI tools can also identify high-value customers who might be interested in expanded coverage. By analyzing past engagement, insurers can offer tailored discounts and competitive deals that really resonate with their needs.

Leveraging AI for customer insights does more than just personalize offerings; it reveals trends in customer behavior. This intelligence can inspire the development of new products or services that cater to emerging markets.

So, while AI crunches the numbers, insurers can focus on what truly matters: building lasting relationships with their clients.

Personalized Insurance Products

AI is revolutionizing how insurance companies create personalized products.

By analyzing a customer’s existing policies, claims behavior, and unique data points—like interests and lifestyle choices—AI generates customized insurance reports.

For example, in life insurance, AI-driven tools can factor in health metrics and family history to offer transparent risk profiling. This allows insurers to suggest tailored packages that align perfectly with an individual’s specific profile.

Moreover, AI can segment these reports based on customer preferences. It might present a simplified overview for those who prefer clarity over jargon, while offering detailed assessments for the more technically savvy.

Many SMB insurers simply lack the resources to provide this level of customization manually. But with AI, personalized reports become both cost-effective and scalable, regardless of customer base size.

A significant perk for customers? Reports where AI flags potential risks—like detecting deviations in health history—prompting them to adjust their coverage levels. This not only enhances safety but can also reduce out-of-pocket expenses when claims arise. With AI in the driver's seat, insurance becomes more tailored, efficient, and customer-friendly.

Enhancing Customer Engagement

In the bustling world of insurance, customer engagement can make or break a business. Take GEICO and Zilveren Kruis, for instance—they’re not just selling policies; they’re hosting virtual happy hours with AI chatbots. These tireless digital helpers offer 24/7 support, answering questions faster than you can say “premium.”

Need guidance on a claim at 2 AM? No problem! Your AI buddy is ready and waiting.

But let’s add a twist. Instead of sending generic emails to lapsed customers, how about a cheeky message? Something like, “Hey, remember us? We’re still here, and your premium might just be hiding a little surprise!” It’s personal, it’s friendly, and it just might bring them back into the fold.

And if a customer posts a negative review? AI has your back. It can flag that review faster than a dog spotting a squirrel. The insurer can swoop in to resolve issues before they snowball.

So, with AI in the mix, customer relationships become more vibrant and responsive. It’s like adding a dash of humor to a mundane meeting—it keeps everyone engaged and happy. This proactive approach can boost retention rates, making SMB insurers shine brighter in today’s crowded marketplace.

Wrapping Up: The AI Revolution in Insurance

For SMBs, embracing AI technologies is vital for staying relevant and competitive. By following a structured approach to AI adoption and taking inspiration from industry pioneers, modern insurers can tap into new levels of productivity and customer engagement.

As digital transformation accelerates, those who harness the power of AI will lead the charge in the insurance industry.

So, let’s roll up our sleeves and jump into this exciting new chapter. The future is bright, and it’s time to embrace the AI wave!

If you want additional help with AI integration into your insurance company, Antematter would be happy to assist.